Try looking in the monthly archives. November 2017

Bioinformatics Frameworks Part 1: Bash and Make


One of the biggest changes within the field of bioinformatics is the rise of the framework. Frameworks are the professionalization of analysis pipelines, constructed with software development and data science in mind. With this series of blogs I will discuss a few that have crossed my path, and try to explain the essence of their design philosophy. It will not be a straight forward choice to pick the framework that suits your workflow best, but I hope these posts will help. Part 1 discusses the precursors of frameworks: Bash and Make.

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Staying in touch with Bioinformatics Developments


We live in exponential times. This is apparent when observing the rate of technological advancements in many branches of science and technology, but it becomes especially clear in the field of modern biology. From the application of CRISPR-Cas9 gene editing to the usage of AI in identifying novel therapies, keeping up with the current state-of-the-art […]

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