Home » BioCentric » Meet BioCentric @ the Netherlands Quantified Self meetup, 8 October @ Seats2Meet in Utrecht

Meet BioCentric @ the Netherlands Quantified Self meetup, 8 October @ Seats2Meet in Utrecht

In an ongoing attempt to better know themselves, their health and increase their performance, many individuals turn to data generated by their own mind and body. Tools like sensors, trackers and wearables are growing in sophistication and applications. Want to know how good your sleep is and how to improve it? Monitor your sleep and track your daily activities to find it out. Biohacking your behavior, just like personalized healthcare, works the best if you have accurate and objective measurements.

Moreover, according to BioCentric, the most personal data that exists is your personal blueprint, your DNA. Correlating your phenotypical Big Data with your genome can prove a very powerful combination, and we are figuring it out in real time.

Meet up with BioCentric at the Quantified Self meeting in Utrecht, 8 October!