Bioinformatics Training
Since the introduction of Next Generation Sequencing, genetics and genomics has shifted from laboratory centric to a data centric approach of research. The subsequent dropping costs per gigabase for DNA data have enabled many new possibilities and venues of analysis. Moreover, the computational part of modern molecular biology research will in the future become even more important as software and tools become increasingly sophisticated. Papers with new methods and insights into computational biology are released constantly. All these developments make existing DNA data reusable in other forms, without going back to the lab.
But the skillset of this bioinformatics focus can be quite different then what was required up till now from your research staff. Investing in bioinformatics researchers or even outsourcing can be complex and/or expensive. You might only need expertise in a specific bioinformatics application without knowing all the remaining details. Furthermore, being able to do the essential data analysis yourself and understanding the results can be a boost to the research process since you do not have to back to external experts.
For these reasons BioCentic wants to be your partner in training those important bioinformatics skills. The curriculum will be adapted to match your already existing knowledge and focus on the data, tools and statistics that you need to know. BioCentric will get you to the results and the visualizations that you require for the next step in your research. BioCentic can be your computational biology R&D department, providing knowledge of the newest technologies and trends. Combined with the BioIT infrastructure that BioCentric can also provide, you can be self-sufficient in all you bioinformatics needs. Please contact BioCentric to make your own bioinformatics research possible.
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