Tag Archives: big data

Meet BioCentric @ the Netherlands Quantified Self meetup, 8 October @ Seats2Meet in Utrecht


In an ongoing attempt to better know themselves, their health and increase their performance, many individuals turn to data generated by their own mind and body. Tools like sensors, trackers and wearables are growing in sophistication and applications. Want to know how good your sleep is and how to improve it? Monitor your sleep and […]

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Meet BioCentric @ Big Data & Health interactive meeting, 2-3 Juli in Eindhoven


To invest in the Dutch data analysis infrastructure, NWO and other groups created a interactive meeting about the topic “Big Data and Health“. Please meet us there, 2 and 3 Juli in Eindhoven!

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Bioinformatics Frameworks Part 4: Nextflow


One of the biggest changes within the field of bioinformatics is the rise of the framework.  In part four, I will focus on Nextflow, the framework build for scaling.

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Updated Bioinformatics Services List


To help facilitate bioinformatics research and development of our customers, we have expended our bioinformatics services.

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Please meet us at the ELIXIR Data Competency Training program, 5 and 6 April at the Amsterdam Science Park Congress Centre


The ELIXIR Europe node in the Netherlands provides an infrastructure and framework for managing the vast amount of data that is being generated by bioinformatics and life sciences. 5 and 6 April there will be a training course to help implement this framework for organisations and companies within the Netherlands who want to use, reuse […]

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