Tag Archives: BioCentric

BioSB 2021 conference, June 15-16 2021, Online


The main annual bioinformatics conference of the Netherlands will be online. We are excited to announce that the 7th edition of the Dutch Bioinformatics & Systems Biology conference will be organized on June 15 and 16, and BioCentric will be present. To stimulate cross boundary interactivity, participants can meet each other online through the network […]

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NL-RSE meet-up, March 13, online


The Dutch Techcentre for Life Science (DTLS) and the community of Research Software Engineers from the Netherlands (NL-RSE) stands as a beacon of collaboration, fostering cutting-edge data science across the Netherlands’ life and data science community.

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BioCentric Github Repository


BioCentric is all about creating the bridge between high level computational capabilities and real biological research.
To make this possible and provide solutions to reseachers at large, we started a Github repository.

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Meet BioCentric @ Big Data & Health interactive meeting, 2-3 Juli in Eindhoven


To invest in the Dutch data analysis infrastructure, NWO and other groups created a interactive meeting about the topic “Big Data and Health“. Please meet us there, 2 and 3 Juli in Eindhoven!

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Staying in touch with Bioinformatics Developments


We live in exponential times. This is apparent when observing the rate of technological advancements in many branches of science and technology, but it becomes especially clear in the field of modern biology. From the application of CRISPR-Cas9 gene editing to the usage of AI in identifying novel therapies, keeping up with the current state-of-the-art […]

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Welcome to BioCentric


The challenges with the modern DNA analysis do not lay with costs and labs anymore, today it is the sea of data that overwhelms.
We at BioCentric believe that DNA should be biology and not about data. We will help you make your research BioCentric again.


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