Tag Archives: CUDA

nVidia CUDA Bioinformatics: BarraCUDA


Introduction Today, we will continue our journey into the current state-of-the-art of bioinformatics tools that make use of nVidia’s CUDA API. I will discuss specific bioinformatics problems, the default tools that are used in the industry and the possible Graphics Processor (GPU) based alternatives. If you want to read more about the history and purpose […]

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nVidia CUDA Bioinformatics: An Introduction


Introduction As most readers of this blog will know, bioinformatics has always been a data-heavy field of research. Many computational problems within bioinformatics can scale up to the sky, from protein folding to calculating homology in sequences. But the real motherload of repetitive data was unleashed on the bioinformatics community when Next Generation Sequencing (NGS) […]

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