Tag Archives: genomics

Meet BioCentric @ the Netherlands Quantified Self meetup, 8 October @ Seats2Meet in Utrecht


In an ongoing attempt to better know themselves, their health and increase their performance, many individuals turn to data generated by their own mind and body. Tools like sensors, trackers and wearables are growing in sophistication and applications. Want to know how good your sleep is and how to improve it? Monitor your sleep and […]

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Meet BioCentric @ Personalised Therapeutics Conference, 10 July at the LUMC in Leiden


Personalised medicine is considered one of the biggest improvements of the wellbeing of patients by reducing side-effects brought upon by using incorrect medication or wrong dosages. It will also increase therapy effectiveness and reduce costs and treatment timelines. But we are not there yet. A major hurdle is to convey the right medical data (like […]

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